The George & Kenny Files


A word from the website designer:


To boldly go where no one has gone before. This is the very first website devoted to George Michael and Kenny Goss.

You all know about my two passions: George Michael and his partner Kenny Goss on the one hand, and science fiction on the other hand.


My SF passion started when I saw Robin Williams (No, not the singer Robbie Williams, youngsters. ;o) ) on Mork and Mindy. There was a man that asked the same questions as I did about life: What makes us human ? What are we doing here on Earth ? Why do we drink with our mouths ? Why do we sleep in a bed ? (Note for the younger readers: Mork drank with his two fingers and slept hanging upside down from a trapeze.) The way he bounched over the screen blurting out one liners and funny comments about our human behaviour, awoke the 'alien' genes in me.


My George Michael passion started in 1984 without me even knowing it. (Yeah, I'm notorious for being being in time to be late. ;o) ) I heard Careless Whisper, but it didn't really register that it was George Michael singing. I didn't really understand a lot of English at that time, but I did get the sad vibe that was coming from the song. I thought: This man understands me.

Two years later I saw this same man again on a music show. A TV station aired a career overview of the British group Wham! It was on the same day George and Andrew sang at the Final concert at Wembley in 1986. I saw Take Me to the Edge of Heaven and thought: This man understand me. I also saw Careless Whisper again. I then of course made the connection. Here was someone that could express both the sad and happy side of my character and used humour as a bridge between the two of them.

If I could sing, and I can't, believe me ;o) , my music would sound like his.


My Kenny Goss passion started in 1998 when George officially came out on my B-day on April 10th. I hear that Kenny has a great sense of humour. He helped George through his periods of grieving. I see that George is now happier than ever before, must be thanks to all those great jokes Kenny tells him or is it something else, darling ? ;o)


After all these years with just one G pic every 12 months, (The Belgian press ignores you most of the time, George. Belgium, an ideal place to live, don't you think ? *hint, hint*) I was jumping for joy when I found this wealth of pictures on the Net. After years of despising computers, I am now truely hooked. Guess I have a bit of a trauma since those arid G pics years. That probably explains my obsession with pictures. At least that is what my shrink says. ;o) (Going to have a lie down on the old red sofa for my shrink Kenny after finishing this web site.) Call me the Picture Queen, I carry the name with gay pride. ;o)


Enough said. Enjoy the George & Kenny Files. Hope you have as much fun as me putting the site together. :o)))


Take care. Kenny, beam me up. Sonja Verheyen.


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